Twenty-seven State Heritage-listed properties are in for a spruce up, thanks to grants of $250,000 being provided under the first round of the new SA Heritage Grants Program.
The program is a Marshall Liberal Government election commitment with the grants aimed at helping to rejuvenate our built heritage, ensuring it is protected and preserved for future generations.
The State Heritage Places to gain funding in this first round include cottages, churches, woolsheds, a hotel, railway station, and a blacksmith barn, with applicants receiving grants ranging from $1,000 to $20,000.
Minister for Environment and Water David Speirs said the successful projects were selected by a panel of heritage architects and experts based on a set of criteria.
“It’s exciting that by providing a total of $250,000 to part-fund these projects, more than $1.6m worth of conservation works will be achieved,” said Minister Speirs.
“It’s also been really encouraging to see that there is huge interest in renovating and preserving our heritage, with nearly 70 applications received for funding in this first grant round.
“Through this program we will be helping to conserve a significant number of South Australian heritage places and areas.
“This shows the Marshall Liberal Government’s commitment to heritage in this state which was unfortunately left to wither away under the former Labor Government.
“I encourage all State Heritage property owners to look at how the program can help them undertake conservation work, which is important to the preservation of our State’s history.”
Round Two of the SA Heritage Grants Program, with a total of $250,000 available for grants, will open in late April 2019 and close in late July 2019.
Under the program up to $5,000 is available for simple projects, $10,000 for complex projects and $20,000 for major projects.
Grants will only cover up to 50 percent of the anticipated costs of conservation works or documentation, with the recipient responsible for matching funding dollar for dollar. In some cases, in-kind labour and materials may be recognised as part of the matching contribution.
Conservation projects that benefit the public realm, activate under-utilised places, support specialised heritage training and/or facilitate tourism may get special consideration.
Further information is available here: