
South Australians continue to have more choice under the Marshall Liberal Government, with the full scope of government subsidised training courses available for delivery by both government and non-government training providers.

Outlined in the 2019-20 Subsidised Training List (STL 5.0), the changes mean non-government training providers will soon be able to access subsidies in all 853 courses, including 20 qualifications that were previously only available to TAFE SA.

These reforms deliver on the State Government’s commitment to ensure funding contestability. 

Minister for Innovation and Skills David Pisoni says STL 5.0 builds on the strong precedent set by previous iterations, ensuring the state has the skills required to support economic growth while maintaining stability.

“The STL communicates the vocational education and training (VET) courses that may be subsidised by the State Government,” Minister Pisoni said.

“Over the last financial year, the Marshall Liberal Government has invested significantly in the skilled career pathways best aligned to South Australian employment opportunities.

“This includes subsidies such as $36 million in Defence, Digital and Cybersecurity, $26 million in Health and Ageing and $14 million in Construction and Infrastructure.

“Based on stakeholder feedback, we have simplified our communication of subsidised training, with courses funded under training contracts included in the Skilling South Australia Subsidised Traineeship and Apprenticeship List and all other funded courses in the Training Priority List.

“STL 5.0 promotes equal access to subsidised courses across government and non-government training providers, towards a more stable and contestable training market in South Australia.

“Qualifications on the STL have been carefully selected to align with new and emerging areas of the state’s economy such as defence, ICT, cyber security and creative industries while maintaining a sustainable level of funding to support critical sectors such as health, disability, construction and agriculture.

“The Marshall Liberal Government continues to prioritise funding for apprentices and trainees with almost 700 courses available on-demand to support skilled careers.

“Moving forward, the revitalised Training and Skills Commission and intelligence from Industry Skills Councils will inform training investment decisions, ensuring once again that funding for skills and training is directly aligned to identified industry priorities.”

The revised Subsidised Training List will take effect on Monday 1 July 2019. View the full list here.

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